* Added a first FAQ
* Added atom feeds
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
1) I edited an entry, now it is listed first on the page... wtf?
Unix don't know a creation time for a file, so i had to use the last
changed time for entries. You can use 'touch' to edit the timestamp.
Syntax is 'touch foo.txt -t YYMMDDhhmm'.
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import time
import glob
import glob
import re
import re
import ConfigParser
import ConfigParser
import md5
configuration = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
configuration = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
@ -38,10 +39,12 @@ month_display = action.getvalue('m')
post_display = action.getvalue('p')
post_display = action.getvalue('p')
static_display = action.getvalue('s')
static_display = action.getvalue('s')
allentries_display = action.getvalue('a')
allentries_display = action.getvalue('a')
feed_display = action.getvalue('feed')
if not month_display: month_display = ""
if not month_display: month_display = ""
if not post_display: post_display = ""
if not post_display: post_display = ""
if not static_display: static_display = ""
if not static_display: static_display = ""
if not allentries_display: allentries_display = ""
if not allentries_display: allentries_display = ""
if not feed_display: feed_display = ""
# Commentstuff
# Commentstuff
ctitle = action.getvalue('ctitle')
ctitle = action.getvalue('ctitle')
@ -75,20 +78,7 @@ if cname and ctext and ctitle:
content.write("." + line + "\n")
content.write("." + line + "\n")
print 'Content-type: text/html\n'
# Read entries and store their title and timestamp
print '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"'
print ' "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">'
print '<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en">'
print ' <head>'
print ' <title>' + blog_title + '</title>'
print ' <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />'
print ' <meta name="keywords" content="' + keywords + '" />'
print ' <meta name="description" content="' + blog_title + '" />'
print ' <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles/' + style + '" />'
print ' </head>'
print ' <body>'
print ' <div class="title"><a href="?" class="title">' + blog_title + '</a></div>'
entries = []
entries = []
entries_list = glob.glob(entries_dir + '*.' + entries_suffix)
entries_list = glob.glob(entries_dir + '*.' + entries_suffix)
@ -103,139 +93,195 @@ if newest_first:
print ' <div class="screen"><div class="sidebar">'
# Generate atom feed
if feed_display == "atom":
title = str(entries[0][1]).replace('entries/', '', 1).replace('.' + entries_suffix, '')
date = entries[0][0]
# Sidebar: Staticpages
print 'Content-type: text/html\n'
if staticpages == "True":
print '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>'
staticpages = []
print '<feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">'
staticpages_list = glob.glob(staticpages_dir + '*')
print ' <author>'
print ' <name>' + blog_title + '</name>'
print ' <div class="sidebarentry">'
print ' </author>'
print ' <small>pages</small><br />'
print ' <title>' + blog_title + '</title>'
for staticpage in staticpages_list:
title = re.sub('\w+?\/\d+?-', '', staticpage)
link = re.sub('\w+?\/', '', staticpage)
# The ultimative lookshe-hack *g*
if title == "lookshe":
print ' <a href="?s=' + link + '">/me</a> <br />'
print ' <a href="?s=' + link + '">' + title + '</a> <br />'
if monthlist == "True": print ' <br />'
blog_title_md5sum = md5.new(blog_title).hexdigest()
print ' </div>'
blog_title_md5sum_1 = blog_title_md5sum[0:8]
blog_title_md5sum_2 = blog_title_md5sum[8:12]
blog_title_md5sum_3 = blog_title_md5sum[12:16]
blog_title_md5sum_4 = blog_title_md5sum[16:20]
blog_title_md5sum_5 = blog_title_md5sum[20:32]
# Sidebar: Monthlist
print ' <id>urn:uuid:' + blog_title_md5sum_1 + '-' + blog_title_md5sum_2 + '-' + blog_title_md5sum_3 + '-' + blog_title_md5sum_4 + '-' + blog_title_md5sum_5 + '</id>'
if monthlist == "True":
print ' <updated>' + str(date[0]) + '-' + str(date[1]) + '-' + str(date[2]) + 'T' + str(date[3]) + ':' + str(date[4]) + ':' + str(date[5]) + 'Z</updated>'
olddate = ""
print ''
print ' <div class="sidebarentry">'
print ' <entry>'
print ' <small>months</small><br />'
for entry in entries:
date = time.strftime("%m%Y", entry[0])
date_display = time.strftime("%h %Y", entry[0])
if not olddate == date:
print ' <a href="?m=' + date + '">' + date_display + '</a> <br />'
olddate = date
if linklist == "True": print ' <br />'
print ' </div>'
# Sidebar: Linklist
title_md5sum = md5.new(title).hexdigest()
if linklist == "True":
title_md5sum_1 = title_md5sum[0:8]
print ' <div class="sidebarentry">'
title_md5sum_2 = title_md5sum[8:12]
print ' <small>links</small><br />'
title_md5sum_3 = title_md5sum[12:16]
content = open("linklist", "r")
title_md5sum_4 = title_md5sum[16:20]
for line in content:
title_md5sum_5 = title_md5sum[20:32]
if line.strip() is "":
print ' <br />'
print ' <a href="' + line.split(" ")[0] + '" target="_blank">' + line.split(" ", 1)[1].strip() + '</a> <br />'
print ' </div>'
print ' </div>'
print ' <title>' + title + '</title>'
print ' <div class="content">'
print ' <link href="http://www.thehappy.de/~xeno/"/>'
print ' <id>urn:uuid:' + title_md5sum_1 + '-' + title_md5sum_2 + '-' + title_md5sum_3 + '-' + title_md5sum_4 + '-' + title_md5sum_5 + '</id>'
print ' <updated>' + str(date[0]) + '-' + str(date[1]) + '-' + str(date[2]) + 'T' + str(date[3]) + ':' + str(date[4]) + ':' + str(date[5]) + 'Z</updated>'
print ' </entry>'
print '</feed>'
if static_display != "": # Show Staticpage
# Generate regular page
content = open(staticpages_dir + static_display, "r")
print ' <div class="entrytitle">' + re.sub('\d+?-', '', static_display) + '</div>'
print ' <div class="entry"><p>'
for line in content:
print ' ' + line.strip() + '<br />'
print ' </p></div>'
else: # Show regular entry
entry_counter = 0
for entry in entries:
date = time.strftime("%c", entry[0])
date_to_compare = time.strftime("%m%Y", entry[0]) # Needed for permalinks
entry = entry[1]
title = entry.replace('entries/', '', 1)
title = title.replace('.txt', '')
if month_display == date_to_compare or not month_display:
print 'Content-type: text/html\n'
if post_display == title or not post_display:
print '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"'
if allentries_display == "1" or entry_counter < entries_per_page:
print ' "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">'
content = open(entry, "r")
print '<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en">'
if permalinks: # Title as permalink...
print ' <head>'
print ' <div class="entrytitle"><a href="?p=' + title + '" class="entrytitle">' + title + ' <small>(' + date + ')</small></a></div>'
print ' <title>' + blog_title + '</title>'
else: # ... or not
print ' <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />'
print ' <div class="entrytitle">' + title + ' <small>(' + date + ')</small></div>'
print ' <meta name="keywords" content="' + keywords + '" />'
print ' <div class="entry">'
print ' <meta name="description" content="' + blog_title + '" />'
for line in content:
print ' <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles/' + style + '" />'
print ' ' + line.strip() + '<br />'
print ' </head>'
print ' <body>'
print ' <div class="title"><a href="?" class="title">' + blog_title + '</a></div>'
# Comments are shown when post_display and comments_file
print ' <div class="screen"><div class="sidebar">'
comments_file = glob.glob(entries_dir + title + '.comments')
if post_display:
if comments_file:
print ' <br /><hr />'
comments_file = glob.glob(entries_dir + title + '.comments')
comments_content = open(comments_file[0], "r")
for line in comments_content:
if line.split(".", 1)[0] == "-":
print ' <br />'
print ' <b><i>' + line.split(".", 1)[1].strip() + '</i><small> wrote at '
elif line.split(".", 1)[0] == "+":
print ' ' + line.split(".", 1)[1].strip() + ':</small></b><br />'
line = line.split(".", 1)[1]
print ' ' + line.strip() + '<br />'
# Form for adding comments
# Sidebar: Staticpages
print ' <br /><br /><br />'
if staticpages == "True":
print ' <form action="" method="post">'
staticpages = []
print ' <input type="hidden" name="ctitle" value="' + title + '" />'
staticpages_list = glob.glob(staticpages_dir + '*')
print ' <label for="cname">name:</label><input type="text" id="cname" name="cname" />'
print ' <br /><label for="ctext">text:</label><textarea rows="5" cols="80" id="ctext" name="ctext"></textarea>'
print ' <div class="sidebarentry">'
print ' <br /><input type="submit" id="submit" value="post comment" />'
print ' <small>pages</small><br />'
print ' </form>'
for staticpage in staticpages_list:
title = re.sub('\w+?\/\d+?-', '', staticpage)
link = re.sub('\w+?\/', '', staticpage)
# The ultimative lookshe-hack *g*
if title == "lookshe":
print ' <a href="?s=' + link + '">/me</a> <br />'
print ' <a href="?s=' + link + '">' + title + '</a> <br />'
if comments == "True":
if monthlist == "True": print ' <br />'
print ' </div>'
# Sidebar: Monthlist
if monthlist == "True":
olddate = ""
print ' <div class="sidebarentry">'
print ' <small>months</small><br />'
for entry in entries:
date = time.strftime("%m%Y", entry[0])
date_display = time.strftime("%h %Y", entry[0])
if not olddate == date:
print ' <a href="?m=' + date + '">' + date_display + '</a> <br />'
olddate = date
if linklist == "True": print ' <br />'
print ' </div>'
# Sidebar: Linklist
if linklist == "True":
print ' <div class="sidebarentry">'
print ' <small>links</small><br />'
content = open("linklist", "r")
for line in content:
if line.strip() is "":
print ' <br />'
print ' <a href="' + line.split(" ")[0] + '" target="_blank">' + line.split(" ", 1)[1].strip() + '</a> <br />'
print ' </div>'
print ' </div>'
print ' <div class="content">'
if static_display != "": # Show Staticpage
content = open(staticpages_dir + static_display, "r")
print ' <div class="entrytitle">' + re.sub('\d+?-', '', static_display) + '</div>'
print ' <div class="entry"><p>'
for line in content:
print ' ' + line.strip() + '<br />'
print ' </p></div>'
else: # Show regular entry
entry_counter = 0
for entry in entries:
date = time.strftime("%c", entry[0])
date_to_compare = time.strftime("%m%Y", entry[0]) # Needed for permalinks
entry = entry[1]
title = entry.replace('entries/', '', 1)
title = title.replace('.' + entries_suffix, '')
if month_display == date_to_compare or not month_display:
if post_display == title or not post_display:
if allentries_display == "1" or entry_counter < entries_per_page:
content = open(entry, "r")
if permalinks: # Title as permalink...
print ' <div class="entrytitle"><a href="?p=' + title + '" class="entrytitle">' + title + ' <small>(' + date + ')</small></a></div>'
else: # ... or not
print ' <div class="entrytitle">' + title + ' <small>(' + date + ')</small></div>'
print ' <div class="entry">'
for line in content:
print ' ' + line.strip() + '<br />'
# Comments are shown when post_display and comments_file
comments_file = glob.glob(entries_dir + title + '.comments')
comments_file = glob.glob(entries_dir + title + '.comments')
if not comments_file and not post_display:
if post_display:
print ' <div class="comment">'
if comments_file:
print ' <ul><li><a href="?p=' + title + '" class="comment">no comments</a></li></ul>'
print ' <br /><hr />'
print ' </div>'
comments_file = glob.glob(entries_dir + title + '.comments')
elif comments_file and not post_display:
comments_content = open(comments_file[0], "r")
comments_content = open(comments_file[0], "r")
for line in comments_content:
comments_counter = 0
if line.split(".", 1)[0] == "-":
for line in comments_content:
print ' <br />'
if line.split(".", 1)[0] == "-": comments_counter += 1
print ' <b><i>' + line.split(".", 1)[1].strip() + '</i><small> wrote at '
print ' <div class="comment">'
elif line.split(".", 1)[0] == "+":
print ' <ul><li><a href="?p=' + title + '" class="comment">comments (' + str(comments_counter) + ')</a></li></ul>'
print ' ' + line.split(".", 1)[1].strip() + ':</small></b><br />'
print ' </div>'
line = line.split(".", 1)[1]
print ' ' + line.strip() + '<br />'
print ' </div>'
# Form for adding comments
print ' <br /><br />'
print ' <br /><br /><br />'
print ' <form action="" method="post">'
entry_counter += 1
print ' <input type="hidden" name="ctitle" value="' + title + '" />'
print ' <label for="cname">name:</label><input type="text" id="cname" name="cname" />'
print ' <br /><label for="ctext">text:</label><textarea rows="5" cols="80" id="ctext" name="ctext"></textarea>'
print ' <br /><input type="submit" id="submit" value="post comment" />'
print ' </form>'
if not month_display and not post_display and not allentries_display and entry_counter == entries_per_page: # Display pagelist
if comments == "True":
print ' <div class="entry"><a href=?a=1>View all entries...</a></div>'
comments_file = glob.glob(entries_dir + title + '.comments')
if not comments_file and not post_display:
print ' <div class="comment">'
print ' <ul><li><a href="?p=' + title + '" class="comment">no comments</a></li></ul>'
print ' </div>'
elif comments_file and not post_display:
comments_content = open(comments_file[0], "r")
comments_counter = 0
for line in comments_content:
if line.split(".", 1)[0] == "-": comments_counter += 1
print ' <div class="comment">'
print ' <ul><li><a href="?p=' + title + '" class="comment">comments (' + str(comments_counter) + ')</a></li></ul>'
print ' </div>'
print ' </div></div>'
print ' </div>'
print ' </body>'
print ' <br /><br />'
print '</html>'
entry_counter += 1
if not month_display and not post_display and not allentries_display and entry_counter == entries_per_page: # Display pagelist
print ' <div class="entry"><a href=?a=1>View all entries...</a></div>'
print ' </div></div>'
print ' </body>'
print '</html>'
# vim: set tw=0 ts=4:
# vim: set tw=0 ts=4:
Reference in New Issue
Block a user